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Thursday, February 26, 2015

Non-Fiction Project Check In : Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation

I am pursuing the topic of Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation. When turning this topic into a question, I need to keep in mind that I need to show what both types of motivation are, how they are used, and how they tie into video games. So a overall question like "How do extrinsic and intrinsic motivation affect people?" or "How can extrinsic and intrinsic motivation be used in gaming?" would fit the bill.

Using editing software (like windows movie maker), I will be creating a video on my topic and explaining a thing called Gamification. Gamification is the use of extrinsic or intrinsic rewards to help drive an individual or groups actions. This method can be used in businesses, schools, and families and is a very powerful use of rewards.

I plan on having this project be the kickstarter video to my youtube channel, HowDisWorks.
Link to channel:

So the final project (I'm hoping) will be professional and interesting. On HowDisWorks, I will be explaining topics from science to movies to books. So this channel will be a hobby and will hopefully become popular.

Now reading about my topic, it is very surprising how much it is actually used. Gamification is a method that is very common in today's world, and I'm excited to do more research on it as well as experiment with it. For an experiment, I would like to see how effective Gamification is in gaming and how it affects people subjected to it. It would be cool to take battle block theater and have two groups play it, while one group might have extra motivation (Like a prize or leader board), the other group might just play the game normally. After the game, both groups would answer questions on how they felt playing it and rating certain emotions or feelings they felt.

This weekend, I plan on contacting the Behemoth and some other gaming companies to see how they put extrinsic and intrinsic motivation in their games. I also plan on typing up more of my written script, as I will be making a video and the script is a key part of the whole.

Also, here is some of the sources I have found on my topic.

1 comment:

  1. Nice! You've got a great topic and I think your passion for this idea will shine in your final project. Be prepared to cast a wider net for interview subjects. Start emailing or contacting other outlets soon in case The Behemoth doesn't come through for you.
